Welcome to the new Strongs Security website

The time has finally come! Strongs Security Services is officially re-launching its website.

Isn’t it a great way to welcome our 30th year in the business with something better, bolder, and with a set of more structured services for our faithful clients!  Our clients can attest to our reliability and competence, but we cannot be complacent. Our clients have growing needs and expanding businesses, so it’s only apt to improve our system to adapt to their changes.

The ability to grow with clients’ needs requires great professionalism and humility to assess our strengths as well as our weaknesses. We are challenged by the fact that the world we live in changes every minute and in order to survive, you need to constantly improve yourself and apply modern solutions to your business. It’s an “adapt or die” kind of environment for businesses today.

On that note, our mission hasn’t changed since we started way back in 1987 —Strongs Security is still committed to providing its clients with security services of the highest caliber.

We have worked with our friends at Webbuzz, the Online Growth Agency, to come up a completely new look for the website including making it mobile friendly. There is nothing like doing business with confidence, that’s why we continue to protect and serve organisations that need our security services and risk management solutions.

If you are looking for a security company in Sydney, you can talk to our security consultants to provide you with security risk assessment for your business. Our expertise in security and risk management will give you peace of mind and a safe environment for your people and premises. Times change and criminals get more sophisticated each day, but Strongs Security remains true to its core values —integrity, courage, knowledge & passion, and loyalty. With that, we are confident that no matter how serious your security risks are, we will be able to help you and keep you safe.

Here’s to many more years of security and safety with Strongs Security Services!

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